
How should I prepare for AWS DevOps professional

AWS Certified Engineer - It looks like a professional level exam that seemed to me a full exam focuses more on the automation part. The test had a good mix of questions for both automating the provision of infrastructure and automating the deployment of applications. Almost all the questions were based on the scenario and were directed to verify their practical knowledge about the use of various AWS services that could help the organization implement DevOps . In the sections below, I will cover some details about the test. But before you can take the exam, there are some basic conditions. Pre-requisite The basic requirement for the submission of this certification test is: You must have already approved the Associate Level Certificate for AWS, SysOps Administrator, or AWS Developer. Without this you can not show up for the professional level of the DevOps exam. AWS recommends that you have at least two years of practical experience, but that is not a difficult requirement. ...

What are the prerequisites of DevOps - DevOps Training


How to Implement DevOps Testing - Visualpath DevOps

The DevOps definition differs from one practitioner to another. Some organizations implement DevOps as practice, while others adopt a culture or movement. But each organization needs to implement a series of changes by shifting from traditional software development practices to DevOps. In addition, they need to create an environment in which all software development activities (coding, testing, implementation and start-up) are seamlessly integrated into a single cycle. DevOps requires companies to facilitate continuous communication and collaboration between programmers, evaluators and operations personnel. In addition, professionals need to use specialized tools to unify development, quality control and operations without problems. At the same time, the company should focus in particular on the implementation of DevOps tests to assess the quality of the software from the planning stage to the implementation phase of the project. Therefore, each company must focus on many factors to p...

What is DevOps | Difference Between DevOps and agile?

What is DevOps? DevOps is one of the ways to develop programs that focus on communication, integration and collaboration among IT professionals to enable rapid implementation of products. DevOps is a culture that promotes collaboration between development team and operations. This allows the code application to produce faster and more automated. Helps to increase the organization 's speed to deliver applications and services. It can be defined as alignment to the development and operation of IT. What is agile? The agile methodology involves continuous replication of development and testing in the SDLC process. This method focuses on the development of programs on the development of replication, evolution and evolution. The rapid development process divides the product into smaller parts and integrates it into the final test. It can be executed in several ways, including Scrum, Kanban, Scrum, XP, etc. Agile vs. DevOps Interest groups and the communications chain in...

DevOps Online Training | Puppet Installation

Visualpath Is the Best Institute To Learn DevOps Online Course This Is Located In Hyderabad, They also providing Real-Time Projects with Hands on Experience, they PROVIDING Advance DevOps Tools Training Program tools like : kubernetes                  terraform                  packer                  docker etc... with affordable prices now we offering devops online training also anyone interest to learn for more visit:

DevOps Beginners Guide

Visualpath DevOps Online Training is a Great Turn to Change your career and you become master in DevOps. They Provides DevOps Online Training worldwide. For DevOps Training Online Visit Us; we Offering DevOps Training Services in US, Karnataka, Hyderabad in India.