How to Implement DevOps Testing - Visualpath DevOps

The DevOps definition differs from one practitioner to another. Some organizations implement DevOps as practice, while others adopt a culture or movement. But each organization needs to implement a series of changes by shifting from traditional software development practices to DevOps. In addition, they need to create an environment in which all software development activities (coding, testing, implementation and start-up) are seamlessly integrated into a single cycle.

DevOps requires companies to facilitate continuous communication and collaboration between programmers, evaluators and operations personnel. In addition, professionals need to use specialized tools to unify development, quality control and operations without problems. At the same time, the company should focus in particular on the implementation of DevOps tests to assess the quality of the software from the planning stage to the implementation phase of the project. Therefore, each company must focus on many factors to perform DevOps tests efficiently.

The main points to focus on when implementing DevOps tests

Automation testing

When implementing DevOps, the professional must ensure that all test activities are in line with one cycle. The organization should explore ways to automate all test cases and achieve 100% test coverage. You must automate both pre-testing and post-test activities to facilitate continuous integration and delivery. Therefore, the company must invest in powerful software testing frameworks and tools to automate the entire testing process and run tests frequently throughout the DevOps cycle.

Continuous integration

DevOps assures continuous and rapid delivery of software applications. To facilitate faster delivery of software modules, the professional must facilitate continued integration (CI). CI will allow quality control professionals to regularly perform module tests to assess the quality of the code added to the central code base daily. In addition, they can correct errors or defects identified by the unit tests immediately in coordination with the programmers.The CI process will reduce the additional test time as the code is evaluated continuously. However, evaluators still need to implement code performance and safety tests in the white box to evaluate the quality of the application code more efficiently. this is the reason. It becomes necessary for professionals to facilitate CI and invest in tools to test continuous solid integration while implementing DevOps tests.

Additional tests and controls

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CI will help companies evaluate the quality of code added to the central code base. But companies still have to conduct a variety of tests to assess functionality, performance, ease of use and access to the program. Quality control specialists must perform load tests under different loads of users to check the performance of the application while a large number of users access at the same time.In the same way, they should perform compatibility tests to check how the app works with other devices, operating systems, and browsers. Quality control professionals should also perform detailed usage tests to check if the application is simple and easy to use. The company must provide powerful tools to enable quality assurance specialists to perform compliance testing, usability, and performance frequently throughout the DevOps cycle.

Monitoring the production environment

DevOps course covers all one software development activities: coding, testing and processes. Therefore, the professional needs for software testing throughout the development and implementation process. In addition to conducting the required tests, quality control professionals must also monitor the production environment continuously. Continuous monitoring of the production environment will help residents identify errors before the program crashes. In addition, they can evaluate the real-time user experience provided by the application by configuring specialized counters, such as server response time and CPU / memory usage in the production environment.

Run parallel tests

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When implementing DevOps, companies must ensure that many tests are conducted continuously and continuously. Therefore, ways should be explored that allow quality control professionals to perform tests efficiently without extending the delivery time of the software. The professional must fully standardize the testing environment and automate the implementation process. At the same time, the organization must carry out the work and resources necessary to facilitate the implementation of parallel tests. Parallel implementation of the test will help quality control professionals run test cases under different conditions and provide more reliable test results.

Fluid and continuous communication.

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DevOps requires professionals to standardize software development, quality control and processes. Therefore, programmers, evaluators and operations personnel need to work as a team during the DevOps cycle. Professionals should create an environment in which programmers, evaluators and operations staff can stay in touch and communicate with each other without any hindrances or constraints. For example, programmers and software quality control evaluators should collaborate with each other to identify affected areas during the specific construction and eliminate problems immediately. It is also important that professionals clearly communicate the business requirements and product characteristics to each stakeholder in the project to obtain the benefits of the DevOps test.

In general, the DevOps test helps the company solve production problems and correct software defects almost immediately without affecting the continuous delivery of the product. But the company has to focus on many things to successfully implement DevOps tests. You must implement a robust plan to manage both resources and testing tools in a new environment. In addition, you must combine trained professionals and powerful tools to facilitate continuous testing and delivery.


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