How should I prepare for AWS DevOps professional
AWS Certified Engineer - It looks like a professional level exam that seemed to me a full exam focuses more on the automation part. The test had a good mix of questions for both automating the provision of infrastructure and automating the deployment of applications. Almost all the questions were based on the scenario and were directed to verify their practical knowledge about the use of various AWS services that could help the organization implement DevOps. In the sections below, I will cover some details about the test. But before you can take the exam, there are some basic conditions.
The basic requirement for the submission of this certification test is:
You must have already approved the Associate Level Certificate for AWS, SysOps Administrator, or AWS Developer. Without this you can not show up for the professional level of the DevOps exam.
AWS recommends that you have at least two years of practical experience, but that is not a difficult requirement. However, I also believe that the practical experience will be very useful here, since the type of questions that are asked depends mainly on the scenario.
Exam Overview
The trial certificate costs $ 150. So far, the final test has not been published yet, but can be priced at $ 300 in line with the professional level certification exam from the solution engineer. You can also find some discount vouchers for certification exams at AWS public events.
The pilot test had about 105 multiple choice questions and multiple choices. It is not necessary to write or write practically as part of the test. The duration of the test is 170 minutes. I felt that this was a very long test because most of the questions were too long, and if you were not a quick reader, it would be difficult to try all the questions. But since this was the pilot test, more questions are expected. The final exam can reduce the number of questions.
Beta testing does not give you an immediate result compared to all AWS certification exams. They say it will take about 6 to 8 weeks before they can share the results. The percentage of approval has not been disclosed and Amazon may be trying to find the right storytelling through this experimental test.
Exam content
The following are the exam ranges and the extent of their representation in the exam.
1.0 Continuous Operation and Operations Automation (55%)
This is the area where you can get the highest scores if you are well prepared, otherwise the problem will be the same. More focused questions on CloudFormation and Elastic Bean Tree Asked about a wide range of challenges from the implementation level when you have to automate the provisioning infrastructure using CloudFormation, configure boot-through procedures or implement an application using a rubber-tree bean. You should read a lot about updates to the CloudFormation package and how you can prevent some resources within the template from updating. Another area that was heavily dominated by continuous updates and back-end using Beanstalk's flexible technology is minimal downtime or non-stop. Also, how to use Route53 and Elastic Beanstalk together to perform A / B testing of application environments/versions. There are not many questions about CLI or SDK, but if you've worked with any of them briefly, you should be able to answer them.
Not all new services like CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline were part of the beta test. However, it is likely to appear in the final test.
Monitoring 2.0, Measurements and Recording (20%)
As the name implies, this section has standard questions about CloudWatch that include configuration alerts, activation procedures, custom Cloudwatch metrics, etc. CloudWatch Logs, one of the latest AWS services, was part of the test.
3.0 Security, government and validation (10%)
This section includes questions about different ways to keep their environments isolated, for example. If it is a good idea to use different VPCs in the same account or in completely different AWS accounts. Also, if you use the same account for different equipment/environments, how to control access to different resources. There were one or two questions about consolidated billing and invoicing. Most questions about security configuration using VPC / Subnet / SecurityGroup / IAM roles have been linked in one way or another to scenarios involving CloudForm, Beanstalk Elastic, or OpsWorks.
4.0 High availability and flexibility (15%)
This section also includes standard questions about error tolerance and high availability. There were not many questions related to them, but those that were part of the test were linked to the three-tier standard structure, including the Web and application level, and the database with traffic flow through Route 53 and ELB.
In general, testing seems complete and practical with AWS is a must. I have found most use cases centered around CloudForm and Beanstalk rubbery and some of them around OpsWorks as well. The main focus was to reduce downtime and rationalize delivery flow by automating almost everything from provisioning to application configuration and application.
Here's additional information that can help you plan this test.
Here is the AWS test form.
AWS recommends two years of AWS practical experience.
AWS White Sheets.
Reference structures in AWS.
Here is One More Article For You About DevOps: DevOps Best Practices
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